Éléments du système 90/50

Gouttière 4 mct

product: RE090-_-RY200
material: PVC
size: 90 mm x 2000 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 10 items /200 items per pallet
notes: available lengths 2 rm

Jonction de gouttière

product: RE090-_-LA
material: PVC
size: 90 mm x 87 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 5 items /25 items per packaging

Naissance sans joints 90/50

product: RE090-_-OP050
material: PVC
size: 90 mm x 142 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 1 item /20 items per packaging

Crochet en PVC

product: RE090-_-HP
material: PVC
size: 90 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 10 items /60 items per packaging

Crochet bandeau en métal

product: RE090-_-HM
material: metal
size: 90 mm x 275 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 1 item /25 items per packaging
notes: thickness of hook is 3 mm

Angle 90° extérieur

product:    RE090-_-LZ090
material: PVC
size: 90 mm x 148 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 5 items /25 items per packaging
notes: Our company processes orders for single- and double-shield arches with non-standard angles in all colours within 10 working days.

Angle 90° intérieur

product: RE090-_-LW090
material: PVC
size: 90 mm x 154 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 5 items /25 items per packaging
notes: Our company processes orders for single- and double-shield arches with non-standard angles in all colours within 10 working days.

Angle 135° extérieur

product: RE090-_-LZ135
material: PVC
size: 90 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 1 item /1 item per packaging
notes: Our company processes orders for single- and double-shield arches with non-standard angles in all colours within 10 working days.

Angle 135° intérieur

product: RE090-_-LW135
material: PVC
size: 90 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 1 item /1 item per packaging
notes: Our company processes orders for single- and double-shield arches with non-standard angles in all colours within 10 working days.

Fond de gouttière gauche

product: RE090-_-ZL
material: PVC
size: 90 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 10 items /80 items per packaging

Fond de gouttière droit

product: RE090-_-ZP
material: PVC
size: 90 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 10 items /80 items per packaging

Tuyau 2 mct

product: SP050-_-RU200
material: PVC
size: 50 mm x 2000 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 10 items /170 items per pallet



product: SP050-_-MU
material: PVC
size: 50 mm x 62 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 5 items /100 items per packaging

Coude 67°

product: SP050-_-KO067
material: PVC
size: 50 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 5 items /40 items per packaging

Raccord en métal pour cheville

product: SP050-_-OM
material: metal
size: 50 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 10 items /50 items per packaging

Raccord PVC pour cheville

product: SP050-_-OB
material: PVC
size: 50 mm
colours:  Dark brown
packaging: 20 items /200 items per packaging